I am my mother's daughter
I come from a place of self-doubt
Constantly questioning not you but me.
I am my mother's daughter
I indulge in my chocolate treats
Nurturing and helping others see and reach their dreams.
I am my mother's daughter
Listening to the performers voice on stage
Sharing their story through song and dance.
I am my father's daughter
I tell my life's students to push harder, go further
Reminding them they can achieve, they can dream.
I am my father's daughter
Wiping the sweat off my brow from going the 3200m distance
Learning I don't need to win the race to win.
I am my father's daughter
When the lawn I mow is ready for re-growth
Ensuring all the blades are the same height and perfectly manicured.
I am my parents child
When I sit in silence and consider the moment, the day, the dream.
EAP, Feburay 2013