Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Weekend of Winter
Wake up early, check.  Nourishment, check. 
Stop for a Chai Latte at Dunn Brothers, check. Hit the road and travel north, check. 
Add a few great friends, and the potential for new ones and
all the ingredients of a great weekend have been added.
The results; amazing laughter, growth in spirit, re-igniting the love of winter and dogs,
and new and old friendships strengthend.

It is so easy to forget the love one has of something when it is not excercised.
Similar the the way a muscle weakens when not used.  Cold air chapping your face,
standing at the wood stove to feel the natural warmth of the fire,
the howling of the dogs thanking the cooks,
and the sun breaking through the clouds just in time for the shadows to grow long
and set beautifully as the last crew sleds the route. 
The love comes rushing back the moment the dogs realize
they have mushers for the weekend,
pulsing through my veins,
charging me up with adreline to keep me warm in winter temperatures of the
Northern Minnesota.  Brimson to be exact.




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