Sunday, October 27, 2013

INTENT: the root of discpline

Discipline is the structure, intent is the purpose.
Why? How? Where? does my intent come from - its Root?
Does it come from the soul that is housed in the body?
The soul that is the voice of Spirit.

Discipline is the demonstration of the value, 
of the intrinsic that becomes extrinsic as soon as discipline becomes act.
It is the behavior that has its roots at the cellular level.

Discipline demonstrates whether or not I truly value something ~
if I am for real.
Do I walk my talk?
It is a conscious choice to live as the soul, as the spirit encourages me to live.
To live like the cells pulsing through my body with such clear intent on their role,
their responsibility.
Thought, reason, and excuses sometimes create a detour for for purpose, for intent.

I've got to get the mind and the soul acting as one,
in harmony and in relationship with one another.
Symbiotic, not antagonistic.

One compass direction.
True North.

Harmony, Balance.
Right hand, Left hand.
Sun, Moon.
Give, Receive.

March, 2013

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